Interval Traning burns three times as much fat as running twice as long at a moderately hard pace. But intervals don't just help your heart, fat incineration, elevate good cholesterol and make you live longer, they also take way less time.
Here's how it works....When repeated bouts of high-intensity intervals are seperated by short rest periods, each bout begins with a lack of available energy, and muscles that are already fatigued. Interval training stresses energy systems in the body that aren't accustomed to being used. Blood supply to cells increases, the cells use oxygen more efficiently, and the enzymes that help create energy also increase. This improves fitness. What's more, recovery from interval training forces the body to continue burning fat for more energy. This all leads to an increase in postworkout calorie burning.
There are a lot of ways to do intervals and over time you can adjust intensity of your work out segment, ratio between rest and work, or alter length of entire segment. A suggested work out would be as follows...
using your preffered cardio apparatus, warm up for 5 minutes, perform 5 sets of 2 minutes of high intensity with 1 minute rest (buildup to 2 minutes of workout if unable to start at that rate) cool down for 5 minutes. That's less than 30 minutes!!! You should feel and see results in about 10 days!!! Glood luck.....I'm starting tonight.
Here's how it works....When repeated bouts of high-intensity intervals are seperated by short rest periods, each bout begins with a lack of available energy, and muscles that are already fatigued. Interval training stresses energy systems in the body that aren't accustomed to being used. Blood supply to cells increases, the cells use oxygen more efficiently, and the enzymes that help create energy also increase. This improves fitness. What's more, recovery from interval training forces the body to continue burning fat for more energy. This all leads to an increase in postworkout calorie burning.
There are a lot of ways to do intervals and over time you can adjust intensity of your work out segment, ratio between rest and work, or alter length of entire segment. A suggested work out would be as follows...
using your preffered cardio apparatus, warm up for 5 minutes, perform 5 sets of 2 minutes of high intensity with 1 minute rest (buildup to 2 minutes of workout if unable to start at that rate) cool down for 5 minutes. That's less than 30 minutes!!! You should feel and see results in about 10 days!!! Glood luck.....I'm starting tonight.
I just did this with running and did 5 miles at a 6 min pace...I feel great!!!